NCWRC turkey disease project


Old Mossy Horns

Lymphoproliferative Disease Virus (LPDV) is one of three types of avian retroviruses capable of
causing lymphoid tumors in both domestic and wild birds (Payne 1998). Similar lesions can occur in
birds infected with avian pox, which is widespread and may be more familiar to the general public. Prior
to 2009, LPDV had been found only in domestic turkeys in Europe and Israel, but had not been reported
in the wild. LPDV has not been an issue in domestic poultry in the United States, but in 2009 it was
identified from wild turkeys in several southeastern states. Because of its apparent similarity to avian
pox and the lack of appropriate laboratory testing, it is possible that LPDV went undiagnosed or
misdiagnosed in wild turkeys prior to 2009.


Twelve Pointer
glad to see the write up on this study... I donated a leg from the mtns for the local ncwrc biologist for the study.