Yankees vs Dodgers World Series

oldest school

Old Mossy Horns
I agree with you on Judge....but, he said THIS CENTURY. I take that to mean "since 2000".

Trout would get my vote as the "other" one (of two best).

Ohtani might be the best total player I've ever seen.......and I'll be 60 in a few days.
He’s the best total player anyone dead or alive has ever seen.


Twelve Pointer
With tickets starting at $1100 for game one, I hope no one even goes to the games....what a way to punish your loyal fans that filled the stadiums all season


Twelve Pointer
Different eras obviously but I don’t think Maris, Mantle, Ruth and the like would hit .200 against today’s pitching.

Ohtani is the best player in the game by a mile and if he can come back and pitch at a dominant level like he was pre injury he will be hard to deny 🐐 status.

Also Judge is a 1 trick pony, its a good trick but still just 1 😂

oldest school

Old Mossy Horns
I go back to the 60's.....Maris, Mantle, Willie Mays, and others....those guys could play ball like it should be played.
i started rereading David Halberstam's book October 1964 after your post. Details the Cardinals and Yankees world series and the lead up to it. All kinds of tidbits in there that are interesting. Nice read to the runup to this series.

richard corn

Ten Pointer
Same here. I’ve been a Yankees fan for as long as I can remember.

I spent the majority of my summers with my grandparents growing up. My grandfather was die hard Yankees fan. Back in the 90s ESPN would air old baseball games before showing present day baseball games.

I can remember watching Yankees and Dodgers reruns from the 50s and 60s.

Fast forward to the mid to late 90s when the Yankees got the Empire back. I was a teenager then. That 96-2000 era was something to behold. Jeter, Williams, Posada, Rivera, Pettite, what a group!!
don't forget Joe Torre and Metallica

richard corn

Ten Pointer
This matchup brings back memories of being a kid and watching these two in the late 1970s. I was a huge Dodgers fan and was crushed when they lost to the Yankees two years in a row. My Dad was a huge fan, too, so my parents let me stay up to see the end of the games. There were superstars on both of those rosters. I got to go to a game at Dodger Stadium in May. It was an incredible experience. All the history they have displayed around the stadium is impressive.

Steve Garvey
Tommy John
Don Sutton
Steve Yeager
Ron Cey
Dusty Baker

Thurman Munson
Willie Randolph
Greg Nettles
Reggie Jackson
Lou Pinella
Ron Guidry
what about Fernando? He recently passed


Twelve Pointer
I have been a Yankees fan since my nana gave me a yogi Berra card when I was 6. Wore number 8 though my whole career. Always loved the scene of yogi jumping into Larsen arms after perfect game.


Twelve Pointer
Rooting for the Yankees is like pulling for Ticket Master.

Definitely a classic matchup with several of the best players in MLB.

As a Braves fan I'll be cheering for Freddie Freeman.

Duckmauler dhc

Old Mossy Horns
Well….after Aaron Boone managed the best postseason of his career I just can’t for the life of me understand the rationale to pull Cole when he did and then to put a guy in who hasn’t pitched in a month and also is used to being a starter in the game of extra innings to face 2 of the best hitters in baseball back to back with the bases loaded when you have a rested tim hill(also a lefty) who has been unhittable in the playoffs. That one hurts. Good for Freddie though. Have always like that guy.

Duckmauler dhc

Old Mossy Horns
Also the Yankees poor defense finally caught up with them…..the game would’ve never gone to extra innings had gleyber handled the throw in. But such is life

Duckmauler dhc

Old Mossy Horns
I love to remember 1996 but I just don’t think this team is built like that one. They had everything you could ever want in the night thinning. One little bloop somewhere in the outfield in the game is tied. This has been another Achilles Heel of this team all season though. Getting hits with runners and scoring position has been abysmal.

oldest school

Old Mossy Horns
I hadn’t noticed the coincidences between Kirk Gibsons HR and Freeman’s
Same date same exact time?
Or was I being mislead by a yankee hater?

And does anyone else thing that the ex braves announcer for fox broadcasting tells you too much info after every single pitch?

Duckmauler dhc

Old Mossy Horns
I hadn’t noticed the coincidences between Kirk Gibsons HR and Freeman’s
Same date same exact time?
Or was I being mislead by a yankee hater?

And does anyone else thing that the ex braves announcer for fox broadcasting tells you too much info after every single pitch?
I wish we were still listening to Joe buck and Tim mccarver