What y’all eating


Staff member
Since my eye surgeries, My Alaskan canned salmon has been a been a bit salty for my taste (have had a bit of salt aversion since the surgeries)

But my Wife has worked various ways around that

Today was fhe best

1/2 can smoked salmon,,, 4 ounces raw crab meat,,, 4 eggs scrambled with a bit of heavy whipping cream ,,,,some green onions and pepper

Oh so good



Old Mossy Horns
Laughing, a little something different tonight. II have a friend who has come up with what he calls "LowTech tractors". They're small wire/wood enclosures, usually 4'-6' x 10' with wheels on one end to make them easily moveable. He has two, one for chickens and one for pigs. He keeps 8-10 hens and two pigs in them from spring til fall/winter, fed primarily by produce that's thrown away each day by a local produce market when it sits longer than they'd like. He starts them out on fresh ground in the spring and moves them every day til fall. The chickens peck the ground and eat all the bugs and the hogs finish the tilling, fertilizing as they go, AND dropping the seeds from all the produce they've eaten. He gets eggs from the chickens all year, pork when he butchers the pigs in the fall, and by the end of the season he's harvested vegetables from a 200' long vegetable garden...all without ever touching a hoe. He cans vegetables all year and pork when he butchers. I'll tell ya this, together they make a mean stir-fry.... ;)