Updated: Prayers needed


Six Pointer
Sunday January 23 Mid Morning Update

It has been a very busy morning. Bryson’s drain tubes quit working again early this morning . They were able to flush the lines and get it back draining . This has been a constant issue. One of the neurosurgeons on call for the weekend has come in and looked at Bryson’s case and decided he needs surgery. He is available and wants to do the surgery today.

They are going back into the brain to try to drain the blood clots from the ventricles. They will basically pick out the clots and put new drain lines in. This will hopefully help with the swelling and fevers. As with any surgery this is very risky. We are dealing with a very delicate part of the body. The risk at this point out ways the situation he is currently in. The neurosurgeon feels very confident this can help Bryson’s progress. He said the timing is right, we need to do it today.

Please keep praying and know that we are thankful for every one of them. We know that is what has brought us through this most difficult time in our lives. Pray specifically for his medical team today. Pray they will make the right decisions and give them the strength, wisdom and knowledge they need to help Bryson. Prayers, prayers,prayers!!!!! We know there is power in praying!! We need it now.

Surgery is scheduled for 1 pm and will take 1 to 2 hours.

#BBB 💚💚💚💚


Six Pointer
Thank you for the prayers.

Sunday Evening January 23 update:
Surgery is done! We just received word that everything went as expected. They were able to clear out the clots which was putting pressure on his brain and put in another drain. Right away he could see how much the swelling had gone down! The breathing tube is already out! And he is already responding on his right side.
This surgery was definitely an answered prayer! This surgeon is highly recommended and was on call at the right time! He is going to be out of his office for the next 2 weeks so he would not be available to do this surgery after today. But God! 💚💚💚
Thank you for praying. We still have a long road ahead of us but this is definitely a step in the right direction and was greatly needed.
Keep praying! Pray that this helps with the fevers.


Six Pointer
Latest update on Bryson
Today has been a day of meetings. He has several medical teams and the questions are many. Trying to decide what to do? Where to go? What is the next step? What options do we have? We don’t have the answers.
Bryson is still fighting several different things from staff infection, fevers, and issues with his lung. With all this, he has rested today. The family is weary. This has been a long, difficult month.
The mountains are great so we can only call out to God. He has the answers. Please continue to pray urgently for Bryson! Every green bow, every sign passed, every post shared please stop and pray. The teams can not give a cure, but the Great Physician is able.
Keep praying for the medical teams.
Pray for the family. The emotions are great and hearts are hurting. They need strength and comfort that only God can bring in this situation.
Keep praying!


Ten Pointer
Any current news on how this young man is doing? He is still in many peoples' thoughts & prayers.

dc bigdaddy

Old Mossy Horns
From the Facebook Page Bryson's Believers - Praying Bryson Back

Feb 12 Saturday Morning Update
This morning I was reminded that we had been on this journey for a total of 6 weeks 44 days to be exact. It’s been a tough ride but, we have had the best support system anybody could ever ask for. Thank you all so much for that.
Thursday morning the neurosurgeon decided it was time to test the waters. They clamped off all the drains to Bryson to see what would happen. After 24 hours, yesterday morning, the right side of his head had noticeably started to swell, he was sick on stomach, very sleepy and not following commands. They took him to do a CT scan and it showed that the fluid had built back up and they needed to unclamp the drains to release the fluid. They did that and within 1 hour Bryson’s disposition had changed. The rest of the day went pretty normal.
Today, Saturday morning we have already met with neurosurgeon. He said clamping the drains off showed them that is not going to work for Bryson. We are going to be looking at having to place a permanent VP shunt in him. This will probably be something he would have forever. The good news is they think they can get away with one shunt verses two. He currently still has two drain lines one in each side of his head. One is not pulling any fluid so they think we can take that one out. We will be doing another CT scan tomorrow to determine this. No matter what the new Ct Scan shows we would be 10 to 14 days out for the shunt. He has to be clear of any infection for at least 10 days before they would consider that type of surgery. Fevers are being managed very well currently with Tylenol and Motrin.
We are forever grateful to have come this far. It is still very scary as one little setback can turn things around so quickly. We are still trusting that God will bring us through this nightmare and Bryson will be able to tell his story about how God answered our prayers. I certainly have one too tell. I know I am not worthy but, I thank God everyday for listening and bringing us this far. God has been much better to me than I have ever been to him. I praise him for all he is doing in Bryson’s life. I know he knows what is best and I trust that his will be done. Please keep praying! #BBB 💚💚💚

dc bigdaddy

Old Mossy Horns
From FB

Wednesday Night- Feb 16 -Day 48
I’m going to say this as nicely as I know how to. If you do not believe in the power of prayer, you probably don’t need to be on Bryson’s page. We are believers and we know all of your prayers have got us to this day. We are blessed!!!!
Bryson went on a so called field trip today. His field trip was going to get CT scan #101. While on his way, they made a pit stop just to look out the windows and see the outside gardens. Dr P decided that wasn’t good enough. While he had him on a stretcher he needed some vitamin D. They rolled the stretcher outside and let Bryson feel and see the sunshine. He acted like it felt so good. Ct scan looked better than it did on Sunday. This is a direct result of prayer!!! Later this afternoon, Bryson not only held his chapstick he rubbed it on his lips all by himself. Again, prayers answered . Finally, he has went over 48 hours with his temp not exceeding 100. This is some good stuff right here. Prayers being answered.
Less than 2 1/2 weeks ago I remember being told on a Friday evening, there is nothing else we can do. Well, we did do something we (everybody) prayed!! At 12 am midnight that same night an elderly gentleman called and said God had spoken to him and he wanted to know if he could come Pray over Bryson. His son brought him from over an hour away and He prayed!! He prayed a powerful prayer. Today, there is something else we can do for Bryson- keep praying and believing!!
Thank you for all your love, support and prayers. We love and appreciate you!!!!
Please also pray for our Down East Families and our friend Bobby Williams.