He plays with himself? At 6?
ok,, that was funny
but oh so wrong!!!
It's due to crash hard. Biden spending money faster than it's printed. Gas $3.05 gal. Food prices along with most everything else up. Housing prices crazy.Yep today sucked....probably more ahead.
If people keep saying a Market Crash is coming they will eventually be right.....lol
You started at $2000 and only made $32000 in 100 years?I just keep my eye on this FACT of the market,,,
lifetime chart
View attachment 74509
last 20 years,,,
View attachment 74511
last 10 years,,,
View attachment 74512
last 5 years,,,
View attachment 74513
yes, when it tubes it sucks,,, but patience wins every time
one day it may fail totally and never come back,,, but expect I'll have bigger things to worry on then where that "money" went,,,,