

Ten Pointer
Nasty disease and in a nasty place to boot, glad it is improving for you. Curious, did you take the shingles vaccine? I have never read up on it since I never had the chicken pox... Is shingles a 1 and done deal like CP or do you have to worry about re-occurrence?
Sorry to say even after the shots it can return again. Shots help them from being too bad.

Duckmauler dhc

Old Mossy Horns
Well the bass are happy.
I hope you get well quickly and can get back to worrying them.
Sounds like you have it licked.
Hope it stays the heck away.
It didn’t stop me from fishing. As a matter of fact when it was the worst, I spent a couple days on the water out in 30 to 35° air and that was when it felt the best. It was like having an ice pack on it at all times


Old Mossy Horns
I would be very happy if it was anywhere other than where it is. That picture was taken as it was getting bad, it got much worse. My eye swelled about 80% shut for a couple days. I am happy I was able to recognize it early or there’s no telling what might happened.

I will get it when I’m 50 without hesitation.
Sorry man that's sucks and I know your pain. Mine was also from the crown of my head down to my face and near my eye. My pressure were never too high but I had a constant feeling of sand in my eye.

I had recurring shingles and and was approved for the shot even though I was only 45 when I got the shingles. I never had the rash again but will still get the post neuralgia pain if I get too sick or extremely fatigued

Hope you heal up quick man.


Twelve Pointer
Wow that looks rough and it is good to see you got on top of it quickly. So at the first sign of shingles the valtrex will an effective treatment? If shingles is anything like chicken pox I don't need it. I got chicken pox when I was 29 years old and not having health insurance I let it run its course with no medical assistance. I thought I was going to die for about 48 hours during the highest fever period

Bailey Boat

Old Mossy Horns
Glad your on the mend, I've heard that crap can get bad, real bad. I'm one of those LUCKY folks that never had any childhood diseases so maybe it's something I'll never have to worry about..... (fingers crossed)...


Twelve Pointer
Glad your on the mend, I've heard that crap can get bad, real bad. I'm one of those LUCKY folks that never had any childhood diseases so maybe it's something I'll never have to worry about..... (fingers crossed)...
I was the same as a child. Not sure why but there wasn't enough room at the school for me to start kindergarten so I went straight to first grade. It's possible I missed that exposure to chicken pox then. Fast forward to 29 I found out I had a son that was 4 years old before I met him, after the very first day with him I got the pox. Someone told me when it first started it was worse as an adult and they were correct. Entire body covered with it,in my ears and mouth and 104 fever for days, three days I couldn't hold down food but delirious for most of those three days and not sure what went on other than not being able to lay down or even lean back in a chair my skin burned so bad. If there is a way for you to be vaccinated now it will be worth the trouble


Old Mossy Horns
Question about the vaccines.......

I had chicken pox as a kid and my PCP recommended the vaccine when I turned 60 IIRC. That was the single shot and I got it as recommended. So far, I have not had any issue. Should I consider getting the new two shot vaccine?


Button Buck
^^^^^ I would suggest it, yes. The first one was nothing, and the second one was a little sore arm...That's it!!!! Mother and MIL had it and no, I didn't want it or anything close to it!!!! Good Luck!!

Duckmauler dhc

Old Mossy Horns
Sorry man that's sucks and I know your pain. Mine was also from the crown of my head down to my face and near my eye. My pressure were never too high but I had a constant feeling of sand in my eye.

I had recurring shingles and and was approved for the shot even though I was only 45 when I got the shingles. I never had the rash again but will still get the post neuralgia pain if I get too sick or extremely fatigued

Hope you heal up quick man.
Thank you sir. It’s an interesting illness that’s for sure. I am still waking up with my eye on fire but it’s gong away fairly quickly. My pressures remained normal as well thankfully. I get the feeling that the pain around my orbital bone may hang around for a while.

Duckmauler dhc

Old Mossy Horns
Wow that looks rough and it is good to see you got on top of it quickly. So at the first sign of shingles the valtrex will an effective treatment? If shingles is anything like chicken pox I don't need it. I got chicken pox when I was 29 years old and not having health insurance I let it run its course with no medical assistance. I thought I was going to die for about 48 hours during the highest fever period
Yes the earlier you can get on valtrex the better the outcome.


Twelve Pointer
My wife is considering getting the shingles vaccine but I told her I would take my chances. Now seeing that it could damage eyesight I am rethinking that stance. Actually almost 100% convinced that it's the thing to do now thanks to Duckmauler dhc, thanks for the heads up man!

Fish Head

Eight Pointer
I have a friend who is far right with his politics & not a fan of vaccinations, particularly covid & other vacs for adults. He is the epitome of good health as he works out daily & eats healthy. Last year he came down with shingles & it was really bad. He had to go to a specialist in the Triad area and was referred to an ophthalmologist. He almost lost his right eye. It was really bad and lasted for months. He told me in hindsight he wished he had taking the shingles vac. I'm skeptical of modern day vacs, too, and opted out of the covid shots...and I'm so glad I did because I know scores of folks that now have unexplained neurological & cardiac issues. Young healthy folks. Long story short, I had the 1st shingles vac in December & no issues. I'm ready for the 2nd & final shot.
To the OP, I hope you are on the mend & 100% asap.
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Old Mossy Horns
Thank you sir. It’s an interesting illness that’s for sure. I am still waking up with my eye on fire but it’s gong away fairly quickly. My pressures remained normal as well thankfully. I get the feeling that the pain around my orbital bone may hang around for a while.
Had a fascinating discussion with the doctor over it. How it's exploded by over 1000% among young people and why that's happening and how In a couple more generations it will largely be an "extinct" disease.


Twelve Pointer
Typically the worst cases around the eye will be those where the virus will affect the nerve all the way to the tip of the nose. If the blisters terminate at the brow area the chance of globe involvement is unusual, just periocular edema. Frequent lubrication with artificial tears, both solution and gel, will ease symptoms.

Sometimes the valtrex may be continued after the first round if the ophthalmologist senses inflammation and corneal involvement.

Hope you come out of it quickly 👍


Twelve Pointer
Gabapentin does change the way you feel your skin, I take it daily. Wish I would have had some with the chicken pox way back then. Enough of it will actually make you feel like you can't make any body heat no matter how much clothing or heat you have on your body


Old Mossy Horns
Glad it backed off a little. Can't imagine having it around my face. I know the pain though, felt like somebody hit me in the ribs with a baseball bat for about 8 months. Those muscles still cramp at times.


Ten Pointer
Dad had shingles on his head and face around his eye many yearsa ago. Did not lose vision but kept a spot that would flare up often, used Lidocaine pads.
I got the vaccine, don't want any part of it.
Of course, I don't have stress. I've heard I'm a carrier though.

Duckmauler dhc

Old Mossy Horns
Dad had shingles on his head and face around his eye many yearsa ago. Did not lose vision but kept a spot that would flare up often, used Lidocaine pads.
I got the vaccine, don't want any part of it.
Of course, I don't have stress. I've heard I'm a carrier though.
I’d like to know what brought mine on because I’m a stress free guy.


Old Mossy Horns
I never had Chicken Pox as a kid even though I hung around my friends who did.

Never got them when my sister had it.

After leaving a Diving career and during College at 29/30, finally got Chickenpox and felt like Reginald Denny for a solid week.

After reading this, I think I'll opt in for the vaccine.

Good luck and hoping you recover well @Duckmauler dhc