Prostate issues


Ten Pointer
My psa level was high so I was referred to a urologist. I then had an mri where there were several suspicious spots. the radiologist scored it 4 out of 5. The doctor said it’s prostate cancer so I have a biopsy next week. Any of you gone through this if so what do I have to look forward to? I’m on pins and needles waiting it’s driving me crazy.


Ten Pointer
my brother had same; he had his removed via robotic surgery at Rex. No other issues and no further treatments. That was a year ago, he is doing great.


Ten Pointer
my brother had same; he had his removed via robotic surgery at Rex. No other issues and no further treatments. That was a year ago, he is doing great.
Did he have any side effect from the surgery


Ten Pointer
Did he have any side effect from the surgery
He did have some exercises that he had to do otherwise he would have a "leaky bladder", or pee in his pants for a few days. He said he did exactly what the MD and PT told him to do and he was good to go after about two weeks with no more issues.


Ten Pointer
I was diagnosed in Oct 2020 and my Dr gave me the option of the robotic surgery or radiation treatment. After prayer and consideration I decided on the surgery and had it done in January 2021. So far all subsequent tests have been negative. One of my neighbors was diagnosed just after I was and he had the radiation treatments and is doing well also.


Ten Pointer
I was diagnosed in Oct 2020 and my Dr gave me the option of the robotic surgery or radiation treatment. After prayer and consideration I decided on the surgery and had it done in January 2021. So far all subsequent tests have been negative. One of my neighbors was diagnosed just after I was and he had the radiation treatments and is doing well also.
I’m glad to hear so positive comments when you hear the cancer word it starts your world starts spinning


Twelve Pointer
I’ve had a few friends who’ve had it and have beat it so far. Seems to be one of the most treatable with great results type of cancer out there.
Seems it’s not if but when you get it anymore. Don’t know your age, but fellas in their late seventies, they just keep an eye on it without treating it.


Twelve Pointer
Not prostate but had my last chemo treatment 2/12/23 for colon rectal stage 3. As of last Tuesday scan and blood work great. 100% cancer free.

Buddy of mine diagnosed exact same time with stage 4 prostate that had spread into femur and both shoulders. Was giving very short time to live. Went to Texas for treatment. As of today back to doing his normal routine cancer free.

Advancements is medicine has made cancer treatment total different than 20 years ago.

I understand the whirlwind of thoughts. I went through the same. I just accepted it and knew God had a plan for me. I was good as soon as I knew the plan for my treatment. The unknown was the worst part. I would say the mental struggle was worse than the physical.

I do suggest talk to people that been there. It helps a lot to understand the process.

Prayers for you and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.



Ten Pointer
Not prostate but had my last chemo treatment 2/12/23 for colon rectal stage 3. As of last Tuesday scan and blood work great. 100% cancer free.

Buddy of mine diagnosed exact same time with stage 4 prostate that had spread into femur and both shoulders. Was giving very short time to live. Went to Texas for treatment. As of today back to doing his normal routine cancer free.

Advancements is medicine has made cancer treatment total different than 20 years ago.

I understand the whirlwind of thoughts. I went through the same. I just accepted it and knew God had a plan for me. I was good as soon as I knew the plan for my treatment. The unknown was the worst part. I would say the mental struggle was worse than the physical.

I do suggest talk to people that been there. It helps a lot to understand the process.

Prayers for you and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Buffet Trout

Twelve Pointer
If you decide to go the radiation route for treatment, I recommend finding a provider who offers spaceOAR…long story short, it’s a relatively new treatment, which uses a gel barrier to reduce/eliminate radiation damage to surrounding, healthy tissue.

If you choose the surgical route, outcomes are generally better with robotic surgery, and there are plenty of urologists who offer this

The main thing is that you make sure it hasn’t metastasized. Prostate tumors often grow slowly…but tumors elsewhere (hip, bladder, colorectal) often grow much more quickly.

Chemo is always an option. And depending on age and stage, lowering or blocking T can be an effective treatment, too.

Keep your spirits high. Prostate cancer is often treatable and curable.

Prayers sent


Old Mossy Horns
If you decide to go the radiation route for treatment, I recommend finding a provider who offers spaceOAR…long story short, it’s a relatively new treatment, which uses a gel barrier to reduce/eliminate radiation damage to surrounding, healthy tissue.

If you choose the surgical route, outcomes are generally better with robotic surgery, and there are plenty of urologists who offer this

The main thing is that you make sure it hasn’t metastasized. Prostate tumors often grow slowly…but tumors elsewhere (hip, bladder, colorectal) often grow much more quickly.

Chemo is always an option. And depending on age and stage, lowering or blocking T can be an effective treatment, too.

Keep your spirits high. Prostate cancer is often treatable and curable.

Prayers sent

Never thought I’d see a space OAR mentioned on a hunting forum. Definitely a game changer. 👍


Eight Pointer
my psa level was high so I was referred to a urologis. I then Had a mri where there were several suspicious spots. the radiologist scored it 4 out of 5. The doctor said it’s prostrate cancer so I have a biopsy next week. Any of you gone through this if so what do I have to look forward to? I’m on pins and needles waiting it’s driving me crazy.
Prayers sent for you sir.


Staff member
My psa level was high so I was referred to a urologist. I then had an mri where there were several suspicious spots. the radiologist scored it 4 out of 5. The doctor said it’s prostate cancer so I have a biopsy next week. Any of you gone through this if so what do I have to look forward to? I’m on pins and needles waiting it’s driving me crazy.
Had same elevated PSA. Had same MRI. Had one spot radiologist said looked suspicious. Went through a biopsy a year ago. I opted for sedation, though it could have been done outpatient.

They took 12 to 16 samples. All came back normal.

I was asleep for the biopsy so I don't remember any of it. Worst side effect was ink black semen for a few months afterwards.


Staff member
One thing to note... First step is the biopsy. Once those results are known then you can move on to treatment.


Twelve Pointer
My dad had the surgery about 25 years ago. Several months later his PSA went way up again and he went through the radiation. I sure wish they had used the OAR on him because his colon was ruined. I doubt that was even available back then.
Praying for you Kozman and anyone else dealing with any kind of cancer.
And thank you for sharing your experience. It helps others with similar issues.

dc bigdaddy

Old Mossy Horns
My father-in-law is dealing with it again. 1st time in 98. Surgery and radiation. Now he only has 1 functional kidney. This time at the age of 87, They're trying to control it with a medication to lower his testosterone to keep it from spreading to his good kidney.

Eric Revo

Old Mossy Horns
This is one cancer that's addressed really well on line, lots of really well researched information on there.
Prostate Institute has some really good information but they really push alternative treatment, something a lot of urologists don't recommend.
Lots of options out there for both testing and treatment and more getting added all the time.


Ten Pointer
Wishing you the best too Koszman. I know what you’re going through in that a CAT scan few years back revealed a small lung nodule. Lot of monitoring and a failed biopsy attempt before surgery or radiation treatments were recommended. Ended up having a lower lobectomy done robotically and all has been great for 3.5 years. As has been enumerated, advances in medicine and surgeries has been a game changer for so many. You’ll be fine!👌


Twelve Pointer
dad is going thru this now. waiting for 2/21 to receive the mri results. hopefully its not cancer, but if it is they most likely caught it early thru PSA numbers.

grandpa had it when he was 70, and dr recommended readiation. dr thought at his age and with his cardiac history that the radiation would prevent the cancer from killing him, and he would likely have a heart attack or stroke kill him before tge cancer would. fast forward 16 years and the cancer got him.

if i get it in my early 70s its coming out. this is dads strategy as well given hes 69 currently.


Old Mossy Horns
First off thoughts and prayers to you and the family.

Until you have a biopsy you don’t know what you’re dealing with, while hard try not to freak out, take it one day at a time. Even if biopsy shows its cancer prostate is really treatable and I think about 30% of us will end up with at some point. If caught before it spreads and even sometime after it’s very treatable. Farmer I knew had it and died at the ripe old age of 94 from heart issues, had the radiation bead for treatment. Friends dad has had it for years now and it is a non-aggressive form and they’re just taking the watch it approach. Neighbor had his prostrate removed a few years ago; some side effects from surgery but he was in a wheelchair prior which is causing some of them.

I’m no prostate cancer expert but did have the wife go thru stage 4 colon cancer. She is still with us and it’s been almost 13 years. Hang in there, take it day to day and make sure you get all your treatment options from a major cancer center (Duke, UNC) while you may not want to use them for treatment they will give you the best and most advanced treatment options for your situation. Cancer treatments have come a long way.