Looking for Hunting Land


Button Buck
I am on the coordinator for Three Rivers Land Trust's Sportsman Access Program. This program is a lottery permit system where members purchase entries and place them on specific blocks/weeks they would like to hunt. We have nearly 4,000 acres in the program located in Rowan, Davie, Montgomery and Moore counties. Each block averages around 200 acres. If you get drawn for what you put in for, you get that entire block to yourself for the entire week. You can also place entries with your hunting buddies to get drawn for a block and share it with them. I know a lot of people on here are looking for land to hunt on and want something different than public land. The lands in this program are conserved, low pressure and actively managed lands. It's a great program and all the money raised through it goes directly back into our local conservation efforts where we aim to expand public lands, save family farms and protect local waters.
Learn more here - https://trlt.recaccess.com/