Button Buck
Anyone ever plant lespedeza for bedding cover? I know doves and quail love the seed. Wasn’t sure how well it would work for bedding area cover.
Depends on the type, Sericea is very invasive. But other types have been in blends for forage for wildlife for years. As to bedding cover I don't know what type he would plant that would provide bedding cover for deer that wouldn't cause other issues. Most biologists say that Sericea's detrimental effects far outweigh it's good points as far as quail mgmt.Main thing about that stuff is it’s really invasive. Be careful what you wish for.
Depends on the type, Sericea is very invasive. But other types have been in blends for forage for wildlife for years. As to bedding cover I don't know what type he would plant that would provide bedding cover for deer that wouldn't cause other issues. Most biologists say that Sericea's detrimental effects far outweigh it's good points as far as quail mgmt.
Pretty good cover, but doing some disking in the broomsedge areas in the fall will help increase broadleaf plants improve food value and hopefully some taller cover.broomsedge seems to compete really well. It completely takes over some fallow fields around our farm. Seems like it should be really good cover for birds.