Thought this was cool. Man how has things changed. Just a few years before I was born. Chadwick, Missouri
The dang things are so slow I wouldn't have a huge problem with it. Honestly, the structure of the bus makes your kids way safer than they'd be in Mommy's Tahoe. Especially in a rural area, it seems like something they should bring back.Oh Lord, this triggered a question me and my wife talked about just the other day. I was 16 years old in 67, had no car, and was raised "free range". Can you believe as quick as I got my drivers license they put me in a school bus as driver? How educated could they have been to use teenagers to drive school busses? Would you put your child on a bus today if the driver was only 16? Scares me to think of it, my wife asked me if that wasn't an awful lot of responsibility. Best I an remember it would have made no difference to me if it was a load of wood or a load of children. Makes me want to sing "Amazing Grace" every Sunday now.
My aunt was the assistant principal at a rural high school. They did it once and she said "No More. you can run them in the school over the lockers but its an absurd amount of paperwork for me because billy was shooting crows before school."The GLARING comment to me is in parenthesis.
I was in high school in the 19 hundred and nineties. We had dogs on campus. My buddy got pulled out of class because a dog alerted to his truck. He had his empty soft long gun bag still in the back seat, which he used for duck hunting the previous weekend. His dad was called, showed up, and mentioned to everybody present, "Shoot, at my high school we had TWO gun racks, one for the rifle, one for the shotgun."
I'll be honest, I don't totally get the "strap to the hood" thing. A school bus maybe but otherwise, what's wrong with the massive trunk those cars had, or the trunk lid, or the roof. People aren't shy about hauling deer on hitch haulers or on top of cars in parts of the country.I do think though that all of society is not completely ok with the old school strapping them to your hood technique though. Some traditions are cool for about 1 or 2 generations.
I graduated in 2010 and we had a trap shooting club, the school subsidized our ammo/range fees. There were actually the cement pads for the range still more or less outside the back of student housing. I'm not sure when the club could no longer shoot on campus. It may have been environmental, as it was over a lake, or may have been a safety thing when a road came through. The club owned a shotgun, kept in Campus safety Students were supposed to keep their guns in the Campus safety lockup. And during the fall at 0-Dark-30 the officer knew to stay close to the office. Those that were less serious about being rule followers would keep them locked in the trunk or whatever.I graduated from college (the first time) in 1987. In 1985, we had a turkey shoot ON CAMPUS. We knew about it for a couple months, and everyone stored their shotguns in their dorm rooms.
Are pocket knives not allowed in schools these days? Good Lord...Pocket knives were never a concern when I was in school. It was no different than anywhere else as long as you wasn't threatening anyone just keep it in your pocket while the teachers were around. Same with guns in a vehicle, stay out of trouble and nobody cared. I believe it was 6th grade class that had some kind of show and tell day that allowed me to arrange for my mother to bring my guns to class for my part around the early 80s. I'll never forget having a 410 single barrel with a really stiff extractor and I wasn't strong enough to close it up without putting it against my leg and pressing the breech shut. Right in front of class I shut it and the gap between the receiver and the forearm pinched a big blood blister on my leg through my jeans. I played tough but it just about made me wet my pants it hurt so bad
Can you believe as quick as I got my drivers license they put me in a school bus as driver? How educated could they have been to use teenagers to drive school busses? Would you put your child on a bus today if the driver was only 16?
Sometimes I had to walk to school, couple miles. It really was up hill both ways, just down hill too. Could beat the bus by walking.A lot of you guys were rich. I didn't have a car or truck. I had to take the bus to school.