Favorite Hunting, Fishing, Outdoor Quotes & Stories

Ol Copper

Twelve Pointer
"I just want to rest my back against this big tree and hear one gobble, if I dont kill him thats means that I get to do it again tomorrow."

"You know, this liquor taste better sitting on the porch of this here cabin."


"This bear meat is a little freezer burnt but I think it'll be ok."


"That fire got a little hot last night."


All are memories that I will cherish forever
Never would have heard them if we weren't out hunting 😀😀😀


Still Not a Moderator
"I just want to rest my back against this big tree and hear one gobble, if I dont kill him thats means that I get to do it again tomorrow."

"You know, this liquor taste better sitting on the porch of this here cabin."


"This bear meat is a little freezer burnt but I think it'll be ok."


"That fire got a little hot last night."


All are memories that I will cherish forever
Never would have heard them if we weren't out hunting 😀😀😀
My man!


Twelve Pointer
“I owe the bobwhite quail a debt of gratitude that I truly cannot repay, but I can do a little. Maybe, in this one place, that is enough. Maybe one day, I will again hear the language of dog work on this place. Perhaps a sinewed pointer will thrash along through the brush, its tail snapping sharply in quick, frenzied strokes while a voice calls evenly, “close in here”. Maybe the dog will stop suddenly, intent on the odor wafting through its nose, tail held stiff and tall, its gaze focused on a blackberry patch along a hedgerow. The voice will utter, “whoa”. Maybe we’ll ease in front of the dogs and the ground will ignite once again in a muffled eruption of feathers. A few hours later as the evening light colors the sky and the dogs load up, maybe I’ll hear another voice, a sharp tone piercing the dry winter air, calling the singles back into the safety and protection of the covey once again.”—Lenny Wells


Old Mossy Horns
I can't believe this one hasn't been posted yet.....but, it's my favorite.

"The kill is the satisfying, indeed essential, conclusion to a successful hunt. But, I take no pleasure in the act itself. One does not hunt in order to kill, but kills in order to have hunted. Then why do I hunt? I hunt for the same reason my well-fed cat hunts...because I must, because it is in the blood, because I am the decendent of a thousand generations of hunters. I hunt because I am a hunter."- Finn Aagard


Old Mossy Horns
My Uncle Layton admonishing us young boys for killing sparrows with our BB Guns and not dressing them out:

"If you kill it, you eat it". The Bible says, "Slay and eat!"


Still Not a Moderator
@pcbuckhunter and I went to an oak flat on the 2021 ML nchf hunt. Started pouring rain on us. He drew down on a doe and his powder got wet. Nothing particularly significant about the story, but I regret not having a pic of him standing there in the pouring rain with his old 700 and a drenched Marlboro with a inch long soggy cherry hanging out of his mouth. Or was it a camel? Now I can’t remember. But it woulda been a good pic to have in black and white. Miss ya bud

Woods and water

Twelve Pointer
"I just want to rest my back against this big tree and hear one gobble, if I dont kill him thats means that I get to do it again tomorrow."

"You know, this liquor taste better sitting on the porch of this here cabin."


"This bear meat is a little freezer burnt but I think it'll be ok."


"That fire got a little hot last night."


All are memories that I will cherish forever
Never would have heard them if we weren't out hunting 😀😀😀
You win . That's a trip I will never forget


Still Not a Moderator
I won’t leave any direct quotes (in order to protect the guilty), but the hunting stories at camp were awesome. Can’t think of a single person that didn’t contribute.

I will say that I’m so glad @CJF came. Following his previous posts about his dad’s hunts, and the way he CHOSE to finish out his life, had a pretty deep impact on me. So buddy, I sure am glad to meet you. Sorry I didn’t realize who you were until Saturday morning 😑. I admire the outdoors bond you have with your sons.

Just to be clear, the majority of CJF’s stories ended with “so then we got the deer (PLURAL) out of the woods.”


Old Mossy Horns
I won’t leave any direct quotes (in order to protect the guilty), but the hunting stories at camp were awesome. Can’t think of a single person that didn’t contribute.

I will say that I’m so glad @CJF came. Following his previous posts about his dad’s hunts, and the way he CHOSE to finish out his life, had a pretty deep impact on me. So buddy, I sure am glad to meet you. Sorry I didn’t realize who you were until Saturday morning 😑. I admire the outdoors bond you have with your sons.

Just to be clear, the majority of CJF’s stories ended with “so then we got the deer (PLURAL) out of the woods.”


Old Mossy Horns
Often when I see a big bull caribou, I am curiously reminded of a gal I knew in college … Beneath the exquisitely contoured bones of her skull rattled the brains of a chipmunk.” Jack O'Connor

“I like a handgun. I hold a shotgun in high regard; but rifles — well, I love the darn things.” Jack o''Connor


Old Mossy Horns
We keep our memories in the same place we bury dogs and pals who are no longer with us. We keep these treasures in the vaults that hold the sights of geese pitching into a set of field decoys and quail buzzing out of a brushy corner by a split-rail fence. And when the time comes when it’s easier to remember old times than to gather up new ones, it is to this place that we go, you and I, to watch for the flight at sunset. - Steve Smith
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Old Mossy Horns
Many years ago I hunted with a group of guys, the owner of the camp was a WW2 vet, and while he wouldn't hunt with us often, he did enjoy a walk up the mountains, always said I wish I will be able to do that at his age, anyway I remember the one saying he used
"there's 3 things in life that are certain, Death, Taxes and there's always cold $hit in a dead dog"
While not a hunting quote, I remember it well and was said on the top of the mountain during a deer hunt


Old Mossy Horns
Robert Ruark penned this below but there's another east coast man named Havilah Babcock that wrote a worthwhile book titled "My Health Is Better In November" and it's one of the best books I've ever read.

<>< Fish



Old Mossy Horns
“Boy, I will tell you a very wise thing. If a man is really intelligent, there's practically nothing a good dog can't teach him. But a dumb man can't learn anything from a smart dog, while a dumb dog can occasionally learn something from a smart man. Remember that.” Robert Ruark



Eight Pointer
My great uncle was a Fred Bear era bowhunter. Lived out near Las Vegas for the building boom. He moved there right after he got out WWII.

Anyhow, he was my idol when I was a kid, because he had the greatest bow hunting stories. But one quote always sticks out, and I didn’t learn to appreciate it until later after I had killed things back in hard to access places

“Always shoot them uphill from the truck”


Old Mossy Horns
"I just want to rest my back against this big tree and hear one gobble, if I dont kill him thats means that I get to do it again tomorrow."

"You know, this liquor taste better sitting on the porch of this here cabin."


"This bear meat is a little freezer burnt but I think it'll be ok."


"That fire got a little hot last night."


All are memories that I will cherish forever
Never would have heard them if we weren't out hunting 😀😀😀
I can think of a few more quotes from that hunting trip, but most of em ain't suitable for print here...

That being said, I will drop a couple quotes from that trip.

"Holy $h!t that's a lotta bears!!!" @YanceyGreenhorn

"Pass that jar over here" @turkeyfoot


Old Mossy Horns
@pcbuckhunter and I went to an oak flat on the 2021 ML nchf hunt. Started pouring rain on us. He drew down on a doe and his powder got wet. Nothing particularly significant about the story, but I regret not having a pic of him standing there in the pouring rain with his old 700 and a drenched Marlboro with a inch long soggy cherry hanging out of his mouth. Or was it a camel? Now I can’t remember. But it woulda been a good pic to have in black and white. Miss ya bud
It was a Marlboro. Black and white would be great... Couldn't see how red faced I was. I was madder 'n' hell.


Twelve Pointer
We keep our memories in the same place we bury dogs and pals who are no longer with us. We keep these treasures in the vaults that hold the sights of geese pitching into a set of field decoys and quail buzzing out of a brushy corner by a split-rail fence. And when the time comes when it’s easier to remember old times than to gather up new ones, it is to this place that we go, you and I, to watch for the flight at sunset. - Steve Smith
I find myself fast approaching this self same place, and I don't like the idea.