Daily Fitness/workout thread


Old Mossy Horns
3 sets of:

• Raised Leg Hip Thrust (x 6)

• Short Lever Copenhagen Plank (25sec per side)

3 sets of:

• Staggered Stance (B-Stance) Hip Thrusts (135lb x 6 each leg)

• Bent Knee Calf Raise (12ea)

2 sets of:

• Barbell Deadlift (175lb x 10)

• Double Leg Calf Raise on Step (12)

2 sets of:

• Barbell Squat (135lb x 5)

• Hip Drop (12ea)

2 sets of:

• Single Leg Isometric Hamstring Holds (25sec ea)

• Single Arm Clean and Press (25lb x 12ea)

2 sets of:

• Hanging Knee Raise (10)

• Side Plank with Hip Flexion (40sec ea)


Old Mossy Horns
Got in 2500 meters of swimming this morning and then 6 miles on the treadmill.

Thankfully the lady on the treadmill in front of me was quite attractive from behind. Otherwise that 6 miles would have been torture.


Old Mossy Horns
I’ve been on LSD (MAF Zone Training) for going on a little over 3 and a half years since starting back on the Triathlon Journey.. Today I did another MAF Test out of curiosity to see how well it’s working. Below are my times from the first MAF Test I did in April 2021 before my world totally blew up in my face, Memorial Day, 2021…, and today's MAF Test.

180 - Age = MAF HR plus or minus a few depending on fitness.

My MAF Zone is a HR of 120 - 128, the HR I try and stay in, on a pancake flat course.

Thus far it’s working so now back to a 6 to 8 week base phase.

April 2021..................... December 2024

Mile 1 = 14:10.............. Mile 1 = 10:03
Mile 2 = 14:10.............. Mile 2 = 10:19
Mile 3 = 14:20.............. Mile 3 = 10:37
Mile 4 = 14:22.............. Mile 4 = 10:47
Mile 5 = 14:30.............. Mile 5 = 10:55

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Old Mossy Horns
Got in a 20 minute Bike / 3 mile Run / 30 minute Bike yesterday evening before work.

Prior to putting my feet on the floor I put on the chest strap HRM

It’s quite puzzling, and I’m beginning to think - what are the limits? Is the data accurate?

All through the early and late 80’s it wasn’t uncommon for me to wake up around 34 to 36, but I haven’t seen those numbers in 36 to 42 years.

This morning is another first since starting back 3 and a half years ago, so I took a screenshot since I always run my HR on my phone while training.

VO2 Max = (HRmax/HRrest) X 15 and accuracy is said to be within + or - 3%

Is this even possible for a grandpa fixing to turn 62?

(176 HRmax / 37 HRrest) = 4.75 X 15 = 71.25 VO2 Max



Old Mossy Horns
I think I’m taking the rest of the year off.

My resting HR is 20-25% higher over the last few weeks. And my last few runs have been ugly. Heart rate through the roof at moderate paces.

I think it’s time to rest up and heal up. Get back at it in January.


Old Mossy Horns
I think I’m taking the rest of the year off.

My resting HR is 20-25% higher over the last few weeks. And my last few runs have been ugly. Heart rate through the roof at moderate paces.

I think it’s time to rest up and heal up. Get back at it in January.
I’ve learned in the last few months there’s a fine line between doing things you never thought you could do, and knowing when to back off. Kudos to you for knowing when to hold em and when to fold them….


Old Mossy Horns
I’ve learned in the last few months there’s a fine line between doing things you never thought you could do, and knowing when to back off. Kudos to you for knowing when to hold em and when to fold them….
Yea, I’ve really been burning the candle at both ends for about the last 10 months and it’s caught up to me.

I also grossly underestimated just how much more difficult training for a full IM was compared to marathon or half IM training.

This year had a lot going on professionally, personally/family and throwing in 12-14 hours of training each week was probably too ambitious of me.

Live and learn. Adapt and overcome.


Old Mossy Horns
Wanted to get a HM “race” in before my training block begins at the end of the month. This will likely be my last double digit skamper that’s not prescribed in the plan. Not sure what I thought I could do, but I’ll take it for this point in my training. Contrary to what a lot of folks say, so far, Gu doesn’t seem to argue with my GI too bad. Took two Gu gels, and one Gu liquid energy, and 16oz of tail wind. Will not use Gu liquid energy in coffee flavor. It’s….. awful. Worse than the gels.

In hindsight, I probably should’ve taken more hydration, and one more gel. You don’t NEED to fuel on a half, according to a lot of folks, but I could definitely feel a difference and the ups and downs.

Also, weighed this morning like I usually do, post-morning pee, pre morning coffee and “breakfast”. Drank 10-12oz of coffee, and had three chocolate chip cookies, 2 Gu gels, 1 liquid energy pack, and 16oz of Tailwind. Weighed a few min ago before I got in the tub, and lost 5lb of water weight. I was a bit over dressed. I usually run sub 40° in a long sleeve Columbia PFG shirt, Nike brief lined shorts with a Minus33 midweight merino base layer leggings under them. Today I wore that, plus a light weight, duel layer hoodie that I got for like $12 from Costco a few years ago. Was a little warm at first but once I started sweating it was just fine. I’m guessing that’s why I lost that much hydration.



Old Mossy Horns
How do you like the Novablast 5? Thinking of snagging a pair.
Love them. They’re not super super cushiony, but they’re, in my limited experience/opinion, a fantastic compromise of cushion and return of energy. Today was the longest run in them. I’ve got 45 miles in them so far and no regrets.


Old Mossy Horns
Quickie Trainer Ride - :20 Warm Up / Sweet Spot 10 × 3 with :04 minute rest between / :20 Cool Down.

Redneck Rocker Dude

Old Mossy Horns
Squats are squatting... playing with hip positioning to try to fire out of the hole and push through my quads a little better. Dropped the weight and building back up so that my form doesn't take a dump when the weight on the bar gets heavy. I have a tendency to get too wide, drop hard bounce my way out of the hole. Slowing it down and actually letting my quads do the work. Sundays squat 375x5 felt the best its felt in a long time, could've gone heavier but didn't see much of a need.

Bench felt like garbage on Friday. Fell short of my top 5 goal, 285 felt like garbage, wanted 295-300x5. Ironically enough, volume bench day on Monday felt like I could've benched the entire world. 225 for a 5x8 and could've done another 2-3 sets without ever slowing down. Heavy bench day scheduled for Friday so we'll see if I can rebound with a solid top 5 in either spoto pressing or close grip.

This morning was technique squat and heavy deadlift day. Hips were feeling the fatigue from Sunday but everything moved like it was supposed to. Pulled 420 for a triple on deads with another 2-3 left in the tank. Hopefully the dead keeps progressing, I think a 500+ pull may be in the works before March...


Old Mossy Horns
Took two days off after sundays long run, trying to go into my training block fresh. Finally did a short recovery run today and while it felt good, heart rate kept bumping higher with the littlest effort applied. Not even conscious effort, just any sort of upslope or starting after waiting on traffic it bumped back up.

Mama (Reddit, Hal Higdon, and every other source I’ve gleaned from) said there would be days like this. Like I said, felt good. Talked to myself to make sure I was still at a comfortable conversational pace, but just kept having to dial it back to keep the heart rate down.

Diet wise nothing has changed. Will just attribute it to the heat (30° warmer than last run, and 20° warmer than most of my last 150mi or so), staying up an hour later than usual, and getting up 45min or so earlier, and probably not fully recovered from Sunday’s effort.

Sorry for the rant. Sometimes I go back and reread my posts just to recount progress since I haven’t started adding notes/thoughts elsewhere yet.



Six Pointer
Got in 2500 meters of swimming this morning and then 6 miles on the treadmill.

Thankfully the lady on the treadmill in front of me was quite attractive from behind. Otherwise that 6 miles would have been torture.
Always have to find the right pacer in a race 😆


Old Mossy Horns
Haven’t worked out much lately because I’ve been resting and recovering. But went to the Y yesterday and did 2 miles of lap swimming.

That put me at 120 miles of swimming for year. Hard to believe that 2 years ago I could barely swim 50 feet 🤣.

I looked at my garmin app and for the year I did 1086 miles of running, 2021.8 miles of biking and 120 miles of swimming. Didn’t quite reach my overall goal of 3500 total miles.

Starting to formulate my plans for 2025. I’m thinking one marathon in the spring and then a 70.3 in the fall.


Old Mossy Horns
:60 Spin Bike (110-120 RPMs)
10k Run (mile 4 Tempo, mile 5.2 thru 6.2 threshold)
:65 Spin Bike EZ Cool Down
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Old Mossy Horns
Haven’t worked out much lately because I’ve been resting and recovering. But went to the Y yesterday and did 2 miles of lap swimming.

That put me at 120 miles of swimming for year. Hard to believe that 2 years ago I could barely swim 50 feet 🤣.

I looked at my garmin app and for the year I did 1086 miles of running, 2021.8 miles of biking and 120 miles of swimming. Didn’t quite reach my overall goal of 3500 total miles.

Starting to formulate my plans for 2025. I’m thinking one marathon in the spring and then a 70.3 in the fall.
I’ve really enjoyed the Training Peaks program. You can pull up all kinds of data and it shows the build phases working towards an event. This past August is when I pulled out of Florida and the downward spiral from there until now is easily seen. It tracks your Intensity factor, Fatigue, Fitness and form, heart rate data, mileage, hours and a boatload of other data points I’m still learning about. It’s like $110.00/year and it has helped tremendously which is good to help gramps from overtraining :cool:

It pairs with just about any fitness watch & chest strap available. If you don’t have the program it’s well worth looking into if you’re a tech nerd 😁

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