Daily Fitness/workout thread


Old Mossy Horns
Battled the stomach bug Tuesday night/wednesday. 🤢

Wasn’t feeling so hot still today but did an easy
15 min spin
15 min slow jog
15 min super easy swim

I’m on the mend but man that stomach bug whooped me pretty good.


Twelve Pointer
Hit the trails this morning and it's gotten to be the time of year where the flys try to carry you off. Had a little more time this evening and almost beat the rain for a weighted hike. 3.5 miles with 45 lb vest. I miss the winter weather already. Upper 80s hit different than the 40's.


Old Mossy Horns
Late evening 2:20 Bike & 10K Run..., all in Zone 2 & MAF Zone.

Ended up having a pretty big week last week (20 hours)..., if I can only keep it going injury free....

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Old Mossy Horns
I am smoked!!

One of the guys I work with has a rule “Don’t try and keep up with the pretty girls.”

I broke that rule. One of my fellow nurses invited me to ride with her tri group. They are all either current or former college triathletes. All girls probably 21-25 yrs old.

20 mile ride @ 23.1 mph average. Only reason I was even able to hang is I drafted (and didn’t want to get completely embarrassed).

Then, we finished and they said “oh let’s go for an easy run.”

They took off and about 1/4 mile in looked at my watch and saw we were at 6:30 pace!! I told them I was old and couldn’t keep that up so I faded back. Ended up doing a 5k at 7:38 pace (a couple of them stayed back and ran with me).

I then collapsed and asked them to call an ambulance!!

Eric Revo

Old Mossy Horns
Sometimes I "draft" behind those gals on bikes too....but I'm usually in my car, but sometimes I'm in my truck.
Half the time it's a dude with spandex and long hair....lol...


Old Mossy Horns
Got in a little over 6 hours today of Swimming, Biking, and Running, all pretty much in Zone 2 & the MAF Zone. Time for a rest day tomorrow 😎


Old Mossy Horns
5 mile trail run yesterday.

Met up with some work peeps this morning and did about 2 hours of mountain biking (about 17 miles) and then we did a 4 mile trail run.


Old Mossy Horns
Tried to get an OWS this afternoon but the boat traffic was horrendous so I gave up after 15 min.
I'm headed to Warriors Creek in the morning to make a swim for the Dam, you're welcome to join in if you'd like.
Shouldn't be hardly any boat traffic at all....


Old Mossy Horns
I screwed up. Looked at my schedule wrong and thought I was off tonight.

Did a 40 mile bike and a 4 mile run.

Turns out I work tonight 😬

Gonna be a rough shift considering I’ve been up since 0430.


Old Mossy Horns
50k bike ride and a 5k run this morning.

I think the Lord may be trying to tell me something about biking. I was biking on the Thermal rail trail and I was hammering it at about 25 mph when a groundhog ran out in front of me!!

I ran it over. Hitting a ground hog at 25 mph on your bike is quite an event, especially when you are clipped in. I skidded over into the grass, rolled a few times and somehow came back upright, still clipped in the pedals.

Besides a scraped elbow and banged up legs, I’m no worse for the wear.


Old Mossy Horns
Glad you had no injuries... Dogs can take you out easily as well. Stay safe :cool:

Open water swim / Run & Bike for a few hours today :cool: