Daily Fitness/workout thread


Old Mossy Horns
This crappy weather kept me out of the turkey woods and kept me from doing my normal Saturday workout.

So I lifted weights and did biceps, triceps, Lats, shoulders and chest workout.

Then 45 min run on the treadmill. I hate running on a treadmill. I think I’d rather watch paint dry.


Old Mossy Horns
This afternoons workout.
30k bike ride with 1050’ elevation gain. Average speed 16.1mph. A little slow but I’ll take it with all those hills.
4 mile run at 9:15 pace.

dc bigdaddy

Old Mossy Horns
I've skipped all of this.

I walked into the gym this morning with my oldest son. There's a chalk board on the wall where a couple of flags had been. It had Men: 750 / 1000 Women 500 /800 on the right side. in the middle it said. Bench/Squat/Deadlift I asked the manager what I got if I could do it, his response was "your name on the board"

I haven't lifted in 4 or 5 weeks due to my shoulders hurting. My son has been lifting whit a fellow that has been giving him some pointers.

I'll be on the board next week on the 1000 side. This morning, I hit 905 and didn't get near what I'm fully capable of doing. At 48 years old, it's just an ego issue right now.


Old Mossy Horns
At 48 years old, it's just an ego issue right now.
😁 I hear ya..., and it's a good way to slow the down hill slide to keep up with the grand youngins 😎

Got in an 8 mile run today before work, a Hilly Tempo 10K @ a heart rate 10-12 beats above MAF pace & ~8 to 10 below AT with ~500' of elevation gain, followed by a cool down 2 Miles @ MAF pace (HR @ 120-130).



Old Mossy Horns
I've skipped all of this.

I walked into the gym this morning with my oldest son. There's a chalk board on the wall where a couple of flags had been. It had Men: 750 / 1000 Women 500 /800 on the right side. in the middle it said. Bench/Squat/Deadlift I asked the manager what I got if I could do it, his response was "your name on the board"

I haven't lifted in 4 or 5 weeks due to my shoulders hurting. My son has been lifting whit a fellow that has been giving him some pointers.

I'll be on the board next week on the 1000 side. This morning, I hit 905 and didn't get near what I'm fully capable of doing. At 48 years old, it's just an ego issue right now.
Of course it’s all about the ego!! Why else would we do it?? Other than to impress the ladies 🤣🤪


Old Mossy Horns
Post work 10k at 9:00 pace. Followed it up with shooting my bow and doing lunges down and back to the target retrieving my arrows. Lunges done at 30, 40 and 50 yds.


Old Mossy Horns
:30 Minute MAF Zone stationary spin to flush out the lactic in preparation for tomorrow....


Old Mossy Horns
Quick Brick
15K Bike/T2 practice/
5K Hilly Run @78-80% MHR /
~2.5mi Cool Down MAF Run


Old Mossy Horns
Before work yesterday.., a short run.
1 mile warm up
5K @ 80% of MHR (9:35/mi)
2 miles easy MAF

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Old Mossy Horns
6 mile easy MAF run today. 1 mile warm up, then 4 mile focused pacing with HR target of 130, easy 1 mile cool down.
It's hard to not just open it up and kick in the afterburners but it's too close to race day to deviate from the plan now 😁


Old Mossy Horns
The Headwind was brutal today around Buffalo Cove..., like a wind tunnel.


Finished out the day with :50 Freestyle @ ~1:46/100
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dc bigdaddy

Old Mossy Horns
Well, after thinking about it all week last week and it was biting at me this week, I went ahead and done it.

1,000 pound club at the local gym got it's first member today!!!!!!

I had it figured out and I was kind of worried about the squat. But figured I could get enough on the bench to make it a no issue.

Well, I probably should have lifted a little bit more last week and Monday and tried this tomorrow, but no, I couldn't wait.


Bench 250 pounds - easy 275 with the pause at the bottom pinned me.
Deadlift - 405 pounds it was heavy and all I wanted.
Squat - 365 pounds it put me on my ass the 1st time. I got under it too quick after the deadlift. I got it the 2nd time

Total - 1025 pounds

at the age of 48, I'll take that. But that is a long ways from the 1,470 I finished with in High School 30 years ago (trap bar deadlift)

But, Hey, I'm the 1st name on the board, or will be when he puts it up there!!!!!!!!!!!

EGO Satisfied!!!!!!!


Old Mossy Horns
Well, after thinking about it all week last week and it was biting at me this week, I went ahead and done it.

1,000 pound club at the local gym got it's first member today!!!!!!

I had it figured out and I was kind of worried about the squat. But figured I could get enough on the bench to make it a no issue.

Well, I probably should have lifted a little bit more last week and Monday and tried this tomorrow, but no, I couldn't wait.


Bench 250 pounds - easy 275 with the pause at the bottom pinned me.
Deadlift - 405 pounds it was heavy and all I wanted.
Squat - 365 pounds it put me on my ass the 1st time. I got under it too quick after the deadlift. I got it the 2nd time

Total - 1025 pounds

at the age of 48, I'll take that. But that is a long ways from the 1,470 I finished with in High School 30 years ago (trap bar deadlift)

But, Hey, I'm the 1st name on the board, or will be when he puts it up there!!!!!!!!!!!

EGO Satisfied!!!!!!!
Congrats! :cool:


Old Mossy Horns
Today was productive. Got in an 18K bike ride, followed by our first open water swim for the season, ~2 miles, towing kayaks.

The swim was awesome going downstream with the wind to our backs, but it was brutal on the return trip, swimming upstream and a steady wind in the face 😁 it was a booger 😎
Return trip was 1:57/100 😳
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Old Mossy Horns
Last long run today.. Whoop whoop… time to taper..

Got in a HIM swim @ 1:40-1:42/100 and a 14 mile MAF run.
For the 13.1 part of the run my peak HR goal was less than 138, and I missed it.
The average HR goal was less than 130 and I met that goal, @ ~11:26/mile.
It’ll be interesting to see if the MAF system pays off for gramps come race day 😁


Old Mossy Horns
Well into the taper 😎
Quick Brick today.. 1 hour total.
:25 Bike
2 Mile Uphill Run
Stationary Cool Down


Old Mossy Horns
Took a couple days off. Working 12-14 hours per day and then running to softball games and dance practice ate up all my time.

Ran 5 miles this afternoon. Planning on a 20-25 mile bike ride tomorrow morning.


Old Mossy Horns
Half IM training officially started today!!

Swim for the morning: 4x100
4x25 with 1 minute rest in between each set.

Very slow swim. Focusing on correct technique and breathing. Will worry about time later.


Old Mossy Horns
Half IM training officially started today!!

Swim for the morning: 4x100
4x25 with 1 minute rest in between each set.

Very slow swim. Focusing on correct technique and breathing. Will worry about time later.
Nice! 😎 Once you get the breathing down..., and the torpedo glide, you'll be GTG come race day :cool:


Old Mossy Horns
Managed to get in a 6.5 mile MAF run yesterday, with 5K of it at easy to moderate tempo.. (HR upper 140's)
My peak training volume was up to 20 hours for a month that ended a lil over a week ago and I was on the verge of overtraining. Resting HR was in the upper 40's to lower 50's but it's back to normal this morning 😎
