CWD 2024?


Frozen H20 Guy
Have I missed a thread? If so please merge it mods.

I just haven't seen a SINGLE thing come up in my searches of news or etc regarding CWD compared to last year.

Has it spread? Is it staying put?



Staff member
Latest news for NC

Typically most testing is done this time of year so it will likely be after deer season before we get much of an update.


Old Mossy Horns
One positive so far this season

From Yadkin Co

Many more test results outstanding


Six Pointer
Hunted Kansas again this year and first time I've heard guys out there talking about cwd and think it is killing some of their older bucks as that's the ones that we want to kill as well. In the unit I go to it is showing 25 percent of deer maybe be affected in that unit which is basically a section of the state