Bass Pro buys out Macks PW?


Staff member
They have formed some type of partnership but the skeptic in me sees the ending of Macks PW and a bass pro take over....

Sad days as more and more gets consolidated under a few companies.


Eight Pointer
Bass Pro is a damn joke and complete garbage.

Mack's will end up like Cabela's. A once iconic brand that stood for quality became trash as soon as Johnny put the fish emblem on it.

Hopefully Rogers will hold on...and Scheels.....If you've never been to a Scheels, you need to.


Old Mossy Horns
I don’t see how the powers that be at BPS can keep pumping out garbage that the consumers told them is garbage, unless they just don’t care.
Most don’t know quality differences. There’s a silent majority that are blissfully ignorant of inferior products when it comes to quality outdoor gear. Take fishing rods for example. Cork for the most part was a sign of a quality rod. Not because of the cork, but just because it cost a little more and was a little more process than a hypalon/foam handle, and generally meant a little more care was taken in the manufacturing process.

Now the craze seems to be some sort of grip with the blank showing in parts. That used to be a thing reserved only for higher end, high modulus graphite rods where folks that had a clue, knew you could up the sensitivity just a smidge more, by allowing a naked blank to show through and be touched easily during a normal grip of the rod, giving a slight edge. It then evolved into a weight savings thing with the minimalist grips and blanks showing, generally starting with the higher end stuff, targeting a crowd that saw high use, for less fatigue, etc. Now you see it on every bargain bin Wally World special.

Folks see that kind of stuff now and think they’ve really got something, even if it’s still garbage over all. Ignorance is bliss.

Synthetic stocks, cerkoted? barrels, etc. I’m sure in some instances they had legitimate uses for the higher end user. All weather so you didn’t mess up your pre 64 model 70 when it was less than ideal out. Now it’s just easier and cheaper to use molded stock, and subpar metal finish.


Six Pointer
Seems to me that everything in the world is switching over to "Get rich quick" thoughts and I hope it bites all of them in the ass.


Old Mossy Horns
We were told to get more people involved in hunting and fishing to save the sport. The advent of outdoors stores increased because of more consumers. Frankly I think all we did was ruin it by overcrowding the limited natural resources available. Shot ourselves in the foot so to speak.

The recent Jordan area campground thread is proof enough. 25 years ago never had trouble getting a spot on major holidays. 25 years ago never had trouble finding hunting land. 25 years ago you had room on lakes because not everybody had a watercraft.


Old Mossy Horns
We were told to get more people involved in hunting and fishing to save the sport. The advent of outdoors stores increased because of more consumers. Frankly I think all we did was ruin it by overcrowding the limited natural resources available. Shot ourselves in the foot so to speak.

The recent Jordan area campground thread is proof enough. 25 years ago never had trouble getting a spot on major holidays. 25 years ago never had trouble finding hunting land. 25 years ago you had room on lakes because not everybody had a watercraft.

There’s also first come first serve spots at the NC Parks Camgrounds. Also reserved my spots 8-10mo in advance…which reminds me. I need to make arrangements for next season.


Ten Pointer
Most don’t know quality differences. There’s a silent majority that are blissfully ignorant of inferior products when it comes to quality outdoor gear. Take fishing rods for example. Cork for the most part was a sign of a quality rod. Not because of the cork, but just because it cost a little more and was a little more process than a hypalon/foam handle, and generally meant a little more care was taken in the manufacturing process.

Now the craze seems to be some sort of grip with the blank showing in parts. That used to be a thing reserved only for higher end, high modulus graphite rods where folks that had a clue, knew you could up the sensitivity just a smidge more, by allowing a naked blank to show through and be touched easily during a normal grip of the rod, giving a slight edge. It then evolved into a weight savings thing with the minimalist grips and blanks showing, generally starting with the higher end stuff, targeting a crowd that saw high use, for less fatigue, etc. Now you see it on every bargain bin Wally World special.

Folks see that kind of stuff now and think they’ve really got something, even if it’s still garbage over all. Ignorance is bliss.

Synthetic stocks, cerkoted? barrels, etc. I’m sure in some instances they had legitimate uses for the higher end user. All weather so you didn’t mess up your pre 64 model 70 when it was less than ideal out. Now it’s just easier and cheaper to use molded stock, and subpar metal finish.
I think that in mass produced rods that the missing foam/cork is more of a cost savings to that company, think public toilet lids. Less material to make the product but still charge a premium price.


Frozen H20 Guy
The crazy part is people will bitch about it and still spend money there🤔
I am one of those.

couple of decades ago I got paid to travel around NA doing my job. If there was a Cabelas or Bass Pro Shops within 2 hours, I went there! They were true Cathedrals to outdoor enthusiasts! I remember walking upstairs to the hanging yellow piper cub plane, and having to decide between many different wild game (probably farm meat but it's still elk, venison, hog etc) meals to eat while sitting at a glass covered table with ancient lures and cabelas catalogs to look at and read below the glass. Truly epic experience! I bought stuff from the "bargain cave" that I still use today, 20 years later!

Same thing happened when for the first time I walked into MPW probably only about 6 years or so ago. Epic experience, but no food lol.

I saw the writing on the wall probably 18 years ago when working in Billings, Montana and saw a "Bass Pro Shops Coming Soon!!!" sign in a freaking strip mall. Single story, probably only 60K square feet. That shocked me!

Lo and behold years later Raleigh opens a new BPS and I stood in line to see this grand celebration of loving the outdoors. Boy was I disappointed! Not just because Mobucks said he would be there and WASN'T! :mad:, but because it was a shadow of the other BPS's I had visited. I bought some "RedHead" camo stuff which didn't last a full season :(.

Then, Cabelas opened a store not far from me. Again I stood in line on opening day. Mostly wanted to eat the wild game food. What a joke. It was basically a food truck setup and I ordered the "elk on cheese nachos". Joke #2 of the day! Crumbs resembling bacon bits on liquid cheese on bagged nachos :mad: This was before they sold to BPS.

But as I replied, I still ask for BPS gift cards for presents.

I absolutely LOVE Fuquay Gun, Academy Sports, Rogers and Macks Prarie Wings! But lets be honest, they don't carry the volume (because of people like me) to have gift cards in Harris Teeter, Lowes, HD, and other places my family and friends shop.

So I am absolutely one of the ones who complain, but still spend $ there :(.

I NEVER buy Red Head stuff though! Lernt my lesson!!!


Eight Pointer
...BPS gift cards for presents. Try and have the gift givers switch over to Visa gift cards, etc. I am in the same boat and trying to get them to make the switch since I am more and more dissatisfied with BPS and Cabelas now. Even as I sit here wearing Cabelas brand shoes from 15 years ago it just reminds me that the merch just isn't the same anymore.

Ol Copper

Twelve Pointer
Even as I sit here wearing Cabelas brand shoes from 15 years ago it just reminds me that the merch just isn't the same anymore.
We were just talking about this on our trip last week. I still have Cabelas branded camo that I bought in high school (1986) that still looks new.
They had some great stuff, I wont even consider them now.


Old Mossy Horns
Rogers and Scheels are still OK. Tried buying boots at BPS a few times, they never have my size in stock. Seem to never have shotgun shells in that I need or ammo. What they keep in the building besides mass produced junk clothes is a mystery to me!


Twelve Pointer
I purchased a pair of redhead hiking shoes about 8 years ago thinking that if I could get one summer out of them they would be worth the $70 I shelled out and wear better than some of the store brand shoes from academy or Walmart. Three weeks and the soles on both shoes came unglued and they never seen wet weather. I have a pair of ozark trail hikers I paid $25 for that I wear in the house that has lasted 3 years now


Ten Pointer
It's rare to see a company become such a shell of what it once was like Cabela's did once BP took over. It's just outdoor Walmart now, tons of types of items but zero depth in any category. Priced higher than anywhere else too.

I get BP/Cabela's gift cards occasionally from people at work or things like that because people know I'm "an outdoor guy" and they can easily be grabbed at a grocery store checkout. It takes forever to spend them because I can't bring myself to buy something from cablea's that I can get 15-20% less as the regular price somewhere else. At least Cabela's still price matches, that's what I have had to start doing.

It's a shame to see mack's fall victim. Hopefully Scheels keeps expanding their territory.


Old Mossy Horns
I'll say it:

I'm glad the government stopped the BPS acquisition of Sportsmans Warehouse


Ten Pointer
My family gives me BPS/ Cabela's gift cards for my birthday and Christmas, because it's easy and they know I'll use them. I usually wait until end of the year and inventory reduction sales in the bargain cave to load up on crankbaits, fishing line, and closeouts at well below normal prices.

I learned the Redhead camo lesson on a dove vest about 20 years ago. It was junk and some of the seams burst after the first trip. I had a lady friend restitch the stress points and it ripped & fell apart in other places. I still have my Grandfather's dove vest from the early 60s and it is better put together than any of that cheap Chinese crap sold today.

I am sad to hear that Mack's has fallen into the black hole that is BPS. I've bought turkey ammo and camo from them for years. I suppose I can expect delayed shipments, overpriced goods, and out of stock items from here on.
